It is always portrayed that YouTube creators are forced to follow more and more rules, complied to make specific changes to their content, etc., but the actual picture is something different from this. YouTube cannot control what content you create, but it has to safeguard the viewers from watching something inappropriate. That is why YouTube generates a set of rules that the content should meet.

This way, viewers only watch good authentic content from the best creators, and also advertisers get a better platform to interact with their prospects through this platform. In return, good creators are rewarded for what they are worth, and spammers are kicked out of any helpful service from YouTube.

YTP Only Permits The Genuine Creator To Monetize Its Channel

If you want to earn money from YouTube by uploading videos, you now have to meet a set of other requirements first. Once you fulfill these requirements, you have to apply for the YouTube partner program (YPP) under which your channel is verified for specific terms and conditions, on approval of which you are applicable to start earning money from YouTube.

  • Your channel must have public watch hours exceeding 4000 hours in the past 12 months.
  • Moreover, the channel should have no less than 1000 subscribers to date to apply for YPP membership.

Fulfillment of both these points states that people like your content, and they also follow you to watch more of your content. This way, YouTube can verify that you are a legitimate creator, and thus, it should allow you for YouTube monetization.

How Does Youtube Monetization Work, And How Much Could You Earn?

You can only benefit from YouTube monetization when your channel is approved for YPP. Approval of this means your videos are worthy of showing ads along with them, and these ads, in return, generate revenue. There are pay-per-view ads and pay-per-click ads which have different criteria for payment.

  • When displayed on your video, a pay-per-view ad needs to be viewed for at least 15 seconds or more on the viewer’s screen to be validated as payable.
  • The link should be clicked and opened by the viewer to be counted for payment in a pay-per-click ad.

We hope it is clear now why most creators prefer pay-per-view ads, but as you know, people can skip most of the ads on YouTube easily, which makes it a bit challenging. But then again, YouTube has brought a solution to this for creators that could help them make more money.

Skippable And Non-Skippable Youtube Ads Make A Big Difference


So, everyone is supposedly familiar with both these types of YouTube ads, and if not, a fundamental difference is that viewers can skip a skippable ad after 5 seconds while a non-skippable ad runs until completion. And this is what makes the big difference between a good YouTube creator and an average creator.

There could be many other criteria to judge what ad should be posted with the video, but one primary factor is the number of views. As it is evident that a good creator will have more views, their videos are accompanied by a non-skippable ad so that they run for 15 seconds, at least making it countable for pay-per-view.

On the other hand, an average creator with a limited number of views has fewer non-skippable ads reducing income chances. This way, an average creator has to work on their content and make it viral to have more non-skippable ads that generate more revenue. This way, YouTube monetizationworks for creators and maintains viewers’ rights, and keeps track of what content is being shared on the platform.